Specifications of the electronic seminars to memorize Quran of SNACO 100

This lab is one of the products of SNACO, the world’s largest audio company and this company is a Finnish company with branches in more than 70 countries around the world.

We summarize some of the lab specifications in several points:

  • These labs are characterized by a very high degree of purity and clarity of voice transferred from the teacher to students and also purity of audio files.
  • The teacher can split the chapter into three different sessions running at the same time and assigning multiple tasks to each group.
  • The teacher can see the time taken for each session as well as the activity used.
  • The teacher can split groups into separate or contiguous binary discussions.
  • The teacher is able to make the students’ bilateral discussion possible through the phone conversation activity between the students so that the student selects the other student himself.
  • The teacher can monitor conversations between students without the students’ knowledge and can participate with them.
  • The teacher can record the students’ readings and read them on the computer digitally
  • The teacher will be able to test students’ oral tests, recitations or answers simultaneously, and record them to the computer for correction or re-broadcast.
  • The student can practice reading by recording his recitation and re-listening to it several times to correct his mistakes.
  • The teacher can play several different audio materials from the computer, from the data storage unit, or from the recorder to the students at the same time.
  • The teacher can put unlimited files (for example, the Holy Quran) for the student to choose from and train them and can put more than one novel.
  • The student can select the required chapter of the Quran and play it and repeat it more than one time which is done for all students at the same time.
  • Using the previous property, the lab provides the student with a self-learning environment without the need for a teacher, which speeds up the process of memorizing and listening to himself easily and easily.
  • The previous activity can be conducted on all students as a single session of the whole lab or on each other and assigning other activities to the rest of the other sessions.
  • Students can be trained in interpreting activity where the student hears the verses and then interprets them directly and the system records the reading voice with the student’s voice.
  • The student can control his or her own sound level.
  • The student can call the teacher if he wants to.
  • The teacher can record the lecture with a full digital recording on the computer.
  • The teacher can convert audio from normal cassette to digital.
  • The teacher can perform several types of tests for students such as multiple choice, correct and error and print the result.
  • The SNACO Lab 100 works by Interactive screens compatible with all Microsoft operating systems to ensure full compatibility with modern application interfaces.
  • The teacher can broadcast more than one audio source directly to the students.
  • The teacher can divide the lab into several discussion groups and monitor, evaluate students and setting scores for them.
  • The teacher can interrupt the student at any time while studying a particular educational activity by making an appeal to the session, to a particular student and then return to his or her activity.
  • The teacher can record and save the students’ names or class, and then call them.
  • The teacher is able to record the attendance and daily absence of the semester and print a report.
  • The teacher can allow students to control their modules or not. He can close all unit keys while the unit is working and can open the unit buttons to allow the student to use them.